

It is with great pleasure, we can announce, that Karstensen Shipyard has secured another lengthening/re-building assignment. This time it will be ”Ocean Laura” of Nexo (on the baltic island of Bornholm) who is going to be lengthened by 6m. In addition a whaleback is to be fitted, and existing wheelhouse will be raised in order to increase accommodation facilities. The vessels catch handling system will also be modified, all in a plan to improve working environment onboard and to put additional focus on the fish handling and its quality.

The order was awarded to Karstensen Shipyard in tough competition with amongst others, foreign yards.

The rebuilding is scheduled to take place in October – December 2010.



#475 – 75,40 m PURSER/TRAWLER - “HÁKON” Hand over
Newbuilding 475 “HÁKON” was handed over to owners Gjögur p/f, Iceland on 10 October 2024 from Karstensen Shipyard. The hull for “HÁKON” was built by Karstensen Shipyard Poland in Gdansk.
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Ny ordre: #492 – ”ØSTERBRIS”
Rederiet Østerbris AS har bestilt en ny 86,00 m kombineret snurper / trawler hos Karstensens Skibsværft A/S. Fartøjet skal leveres Januar 2027
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Pressemeddelelse: Karstensen Gruppen opnår positivt resultat i 2023 trods store udfordringer
Karstensen Gruppen, der består af virksomhederne Karstensens Skibsværft, Danish Yachts, Karstensen Shipyard Poland, KS Elektro og Nuuk Værft, har offentliggjort regnskabet for 2023. Resultatet viser en positiv indtjening, som dog er mindre end forventet på grund af forskellige udefrakommende udfordringer
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​Karstensens Skibsværft A/S

Vestre Strandvej 17

9990 Skagen

Phone: +45 9844 1311 10859581

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