Whistleblower policy


KARSTENSENS SKIBSVÆRFT A/S, KS ELEKTRO og DANISH YACHTS want an open corporate culture where everyone can come forward and report suspected illegalities and has launched a whistleblower site 17.12.2021 to report to.

The whistleblower system is a supplement to the direct and daily communication of KARSTENSENS SKIBSVÆRFT A/S. 

Problems should therefore as earlier be addressed by contacting the employee's immediate manager, union representative or directly to management.

The whistleblower system shall relate to serious offences or other serious circumstances as:

• Serious and criminal offences such as theft, embezzlement, fraud, bribery, corruption, accounting fraud/manipulation, improper use of assets, misuse of financial resources, etc.

• Serious issues relating to discrimination, violence, assault and harassment.

• Serious violation of internal guidelines.

The Whistleblower system can be found at the website:


The extensive Whistleblow Policy can also be found at the website.

The reports will be handled by a trusted team with employees from Karstensen Shipyard, KS Elektro and Danish Yachts and will be supported with external assistance if needed.


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​Karstensens Skibsværft A/S

Vestre Strandvej 17

9990 Skagen

Phone: +45 9844 1311

Cvr.nr.: 10859581

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